Saturday, 9 August 2014

Denmark Western Australia

The past two months have been crazy! I have been on a short holiday to Denmark Western Australia,  we've had school holidays and on top of all that I have been doing a whole lot of sewing, and I do mean a whole lot of sewing but I will post more about that later.

We try to go away once or twice a year and for the last few years we have been making our way down to Denmark in the Great Southern region of Western Australia.   There is something about the Denmark region that just draws me in, something that I can't quite put my finger on, or maybe it is something in the water?  at any rate Denmark has found a special place in our collective family heart.  being winter down here in the Southern hemisphere the weather was lovely and cool and rainy, with some sunshine mixed in for good measure.
Denmark River
Given our interest in photography I thought it would fun to have a little challenge for us all while we were away so the four of us had a photography scavenger hunt; the idea being that it would help us slow right down and appreciate the small things. I would like to say that this little plan actually worked, well mostly and I certainly got to see and photograph some things that I may have passed by otherwise.
The scenery in the Denmark and Walpole region is stunning, there is so much to love! from the beach and rugged coastline to the breathtaking tingle forest, from the Walpole wilderness area  to the friendly township of Denmark with its great food and super friendly locals *sigh* I want to go back just writing this.
 We finally found the gorgeous Elephant cove this time and I wish I had found this when we were down there in January, it is just so impressive.
  We found this rock near the entrance to Elephant cove, doesn't this look like the perfect mermaid rock? I am going to have to make a mermaid tail for Miss Loofie! 

We took a day trip into the historic port town of Albany and took some more pictures
Albany W.A- seriously photogenic 

while we were there we visited the old convict gaol, a fairly old building by Australian standards and allegedly haunted (oooh spooky!) we didn't meet the resident ghost but it was a very cool building and can't help but think how hard life must have been for both the convicts, but also for the first European settlers, Australia must have seemed very wild and alien.

I love learning about history, especially the history of domestic life so I was pleased to see the old iron and mangle on show in the museum.  the kids were being a pain so we threatened to put them in stocks for bad behaviour
 Nah just kidding, both these kids were willing victims participants in this photo
  I have to say there is something about standing on the coast looking down at the wild and mighty Southern Ocean to make you feel so alive. I could stand an look at this view for hours and not get sick of it.

 We spent a few days wandering amongst the beautiful Tingle, Karri and Jarrah trees the beautiful Forest in the Walpole/ Nornalup National Park

We also (finally) made it to conspicuous bay/ cliffs and I have to say WOW! look at that surf, the picture with Mr Mishka in the foreground give some idea of the scale of the waves; you really get the feeling of the might of the Southern Ocean here: next stop Antarctica. 

   Alas all good things come to an end and after a fun week it was time to leave, I always feel that one week in Denmark isn't long enough. 

Since we returned to Perth I have been very busy with costume making for a dance production at school and school holidays on top of that!  However the costumes are finished and the performance over and I am now turning my thoughts to more sewing projects.

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